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Q. Why would you use SOA, Urea, or a blend of both (Ammo) in cold weather?
A. The simple answer is DON’T!! Why?... All of the Nitrogen in these fertilisers is present in the slower acting Ammonium form which needs time
Why ASN Cold Start®??
For a start, it works in cool conditions when the alternatives languish!! In 1995 AgResearch undertook field trials for BASF who imported ASN for the first time (1994).
Blends versus Complex NPKS Fertilisers
Beware of cheap imposters masquerading as the real thing!! Some unscrupulous parties will pass off cheap and nasty granulated bulk blended fertilisers as being the
Potassium Deficiency is Causing Yeild Loss in Pasture & Compromising Nutrient Use Efficiency
It is becoming increasingly apparent that there is now a chronic POTASSIUM deficiency throughout the Canterbury region which has been largely overlooked for several years